A quick and dirty timeline on creating this site...
1987 v0: Dad buys a 'green screen' HP computer and installs Paravia
1988 v0: Family plays countless games of paravia and infamous video of Paravia is born.
1989 v0: Wayne modifies Paravia and makes a "Turbovia" version on a HP-110 Laptop.
1990 v0: Continued gameplay and great memories..
2002 v0: Started my first software company.
2003 v0: Discussion begins about reviving Paravia for the family.
2004 v0: Started work at an engineering firm, continued to talk with family about reviving Paravia.
2005 v0: Committed to Family to bring Paravia back to life in a multiplayer web-based form.
2006 v0: Extended family gets a sense that I am terrible with commitments outside of work.
2007 v0: Crickets.
2008 v0: Crickets.
2009 v1: Began work on Paravia 1
2010 v1: September, first playable multiplayer game.
2010 v1: October, scrapped the entire website.
2010 v2: October, began to completely re-write the site using Laravel and Mysql.
2011 v2: February, lost steam, scrapped version 2.
2012 v3: began work on a completely new game with Paravia roots, complete with random generated maps, fog of war, hireable scouts, armies etc.
2013 v3: Work continues on version 3
2013 v3: July - work dies down on version 3. -- Version 3 is actually pretty far along, it's actually available in the footer of this website (v3). I hope to work on it once I complete this site.
2013 v4: September - abandoned work on version 3, decided to go back and build the original game in php, mysql, ajax etc.
2014 v4: Work continues on version 4.
2015 v4: Work continues off and on on version 4.
2016 v4: Work all but stops on all paravia tasks.
2017 v4: Crickets.
2018 v4: Crickets.
2019 v4: Crickets.
2020 v5: Abandoned version 4, started a new paravia written in React and mongoDB.
2020 v5: Continued framework development within React and Mongo.
2021 v5: Crickets.
2022 v5: Pulled code from v4 and scrapped v5, decided I was down to 8-16 hours of work to make v4 playable and I should finish it out before building a new version.
2023 v4: Crickets through 11/23/2023. Visited family for thanksgiving and decided to re-boot my Paravia work. In part due to finding my website mentioned in the following article: The Fascinating Story of Santa Paravia and Fiumaccio
2023 v4: 11/23, Resurected the paraviaonline domain.
2023 v4: 11/25, Worked to get the website working with current code standards... within reason.
2023 v4: 11/30, Version 4 is back to where it was in 2016.
2023 v4: 12/01, Re-evaluated remaining effort and realized I have at least 80 to 150 hours left remaining to make the game playable, not the 8-16 hours stated in 2022.
2023 v4: 12/02, Finally making progress towards first playable turn, most progress i've made in 7-8 years. Hoping to release in early 24.
2023 v4: 12/03, Took a turn in the game (new year) for the first time since 2010.
2023 v4: 12/12, Nearing first alpha release since 2010. Busy polishing sub-systems.
2023 v4: 12/18, First playable version, played a game with Andrew B. Found a lot of bugs, working on resolving prior to the next playthrough... Andrew wanted to buy a ton of grain and sell land. He ultimetly broke the game.
2023 v4: 12/19, The ported (C++) version of Paravia had 1,000 lines of code, as of 12/19 paraviaonline hit 33,940 lines of php code. A lot of this code is due to included plugins for graphing, emails etc.
2023 v4: 12/20, The game has reached Alpha.
2023 v4: 12/22, Second playthrough with Andrew, game is barely playable.
2023 v4: 12/23, Fixed the majority of errors found with Andrew on the 22nd.
2023 v4: 12/25, Announced the game is playable to the family.
2023 v4: 12/28, First family playthrough occured at 9pm pacific with the original alpha crew from 2010. Enough bugs were identified another playthrough is required before release.
2024 v4: 12/29-01/05, Crickets... end of year business obligations.
2024 v4: 1/25, Minor bug fixes prior to alpha/beta test 2. This game is scheduled for 1/28/24.
2024 v4: 1/28, Major improvements, second scheduled Paravia beta. 28 remaining bugs, most minor. Final beta test tbd as soon as I fix the remaining bugs. Shooting for mid February. Game tested with 6 players, w:d:m:k:c:j
2024 v4: 2/29, Final beta test scheduled, hoping to complete remaining (28) bugs this weekend. Tenatively scheduled for 3/7-3/15. If this beta goes well, i'll release paravia to the general public.
2024 v4: 3/30, Crickets since 2/29. Work and a vacation consumed my time. Attempted to schedule a beta match but that fell through. Hoping to have a final beta match by 4/20/24. Will release the site if all goes well.
2024 v4: 5/12, Final beta match scheduled for first week of June 24, I finally have set aside some time to resolve the remaining bugs during a long work trip this month. Typical with all my personal projects, this one has succumbed to my usual issues. I have complete confidence that i'll be able to release the site in mid June 24.
2024 v4: 5/30, Work trip was an absolute disaster, I worked on the project after hours instead of Paravia.
2024 v4: 6/27, Beta match fell through, trying to schedule for second week in July. I'll then release the game. It's been a long process, but I am almost there.
2024 v4: 8/16, Crickets, trying my best to release this, but life always seems to get in the way. Realistic release is probably sometime in November 2024. Most of my time is dedicated to my family and running my business. The delay this time is getting all the important members together for the final beta test. It's important to me that the people who I remember laughing, enjoying and huddling around a 386 turbo are all available to play this before release.
2024 v4: 10/1, Crickets, I haven't made a single change to the code since 1/28. I may make final modifications this upcoming weekend and attempt to re-schedule a match.
2024 v4: 11/27, It's the holidays! Match scheduled for early December with the expectation to release January 2025. Began working on code again.
2024 v4: 11/28, Fixed the major remaining bugs from the last beta test. The game is ready for the final beta in early December.
2024 v4: 11/29, Forgot that I didn't build in the ability to win (minor issue...), finished that today along with general improvements and polishing game statistics.
2024 v4: 12/06, Worked on making the game feel 'more alive'. In addition, finally worked on Joining/Loading game sections. Updated ruler list code with auto refreshing actions.
2024 v4: 12/18, Purchased the www.santaparavia.com domain, small bug fixes.
2024 v4: 12/21, Massive bug fix, resolved difficulty issue from the original TRS-80 code to the ported Thomas Knox C version. I didn't find this bug myself but from another developer who posted it on Github. Once I find the source, I'll list it here.
2024 v4: 12/21, Found the source. https://github.com/taciano-perez/santa-paravia-web and youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhjzXjPpiio
2025 v4: 2/1, Work continues, scheduling final beta match prior to release, hoping for 2+- weeks.
2025 v4: 2/7, Finally, another beta match was played on 2/7. Unfortunately, enough bugs remain for another match prior to release. Match had WF,DF,CF,JF,MR,DW,AB all attending.
A quick changelog / timeline of what's been going on.
Jason Foster